Welcome to Myco Ventures

At Myco Ventures, we're your trusted source for premium mushroom cultivation supplies. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned grower, our extensive selection has everything you need. Explore our range of all-in-one mushroom grow kits, sterilized grain, and mushroom grow bags for a successful harvest. Join us on your mushroom cultivation journey today!

All in one mushroom grow kit

All in one mushroom grow kits.

All-in-one mushroom grow kits are designed to simplify the process of growing mushrooms. These kits typically include everything you need to start cultivating mushrooms, including substrate which is often sterilised CVG (coco coir, vermiculite, gypsum) and rye grain. Simply inject your spores or liquid culture into the self healing injection port and wait for mycelium start to colonise the grain. Once the substrate has fully colonised, it can the be put into fruiting conditions. Because the substrate and grain are sterilised together, the risk for contamination is greatly reduced.

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Masters mix grow kit

Masters mix all in one grow kit.

Myco Ventures are the first to offer this type of all in one grow kit. If you feel like growing types of mushrooms such as lions mane and oysters then this is the kit for you. Our masters mix all in one grow kit contains 2.3kg of substrate which consists of a 50/50 mix of soy hull pellets and oak sawdust. Behind the self healing injection port there is 1 cup of hydrated organic rye grain so any spores or liquid culture that is injected can start to colonise rapidly. This substrate is highly nutritious and will produce high yields of wood loving species of mushrooms.

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